Local Amenities

North Kintyre Church of Scotland Buildings within WKCC environs

Sunday Worship, Hall Hires, Weddings, Christenings & Funerals 

Clachan SCIO - Old Hall Grounds

Car Boot sales & Old Hall Grounds with parking for hire with onsite Toilets and Kitchen in Welfare Unit. Marquees also available for hire.

Whitehouse Village Hall

Local annual events, Plays, Shows and Civic Groups

Tayinloan Village Hall

Local annual events,  Shows and Civic Groups

Rhunahaorine School


Incorporating Nursery and Primary programs, serving 17 students this past year.  Head Teacher, Catriona Brown, leads a dedicated staff who are committed to providing a diverse range of learning challenges for student growth.


Teaching encompasses building knowledge, understanding and skills through firm foundations in literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing following the Curriculum for Excellence.


Rhunahaorine is fortunate to be part of a close knit community where the children have been welcomed when exploring their local culture and employment.  Recent organised visits to local farms, shops, restaurants and businesses have enabled the children to form ambition.  Indeed on two of these visits children were offered jobs when they come of age!  


The pro-active Parent Council raised substantial funds to re-build the playground climbing house and frame.   Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles are all welcomed at termly achievement celebrations which are all exceptionally well attended. 


The nursery enjoy beach days in the summer alternating with the forest in winter months.  School children set out each Friday for the forest with beach learning each week. 


Some quotes from the children:

“I made a den and ate my lunch in it”


“We designed a shop and have imagined it was real food “. 


“I can choose which sticks are best for den building”


“I explain my work and investigate things in the forest”


“I can explain how rules keep us safe”. P2 child


“I made a story stick it was so much fun”


The children make bi-annual visits to Ardfern  where they are part of a five year monitoring project re-introducing oysters to Loch Craignish.  This has another two years to run. 

In 2023/24 the school is looking forward to working with Kilmartin Museum on an archaeology project on ‘ancient farming’.  This includes studying standing stones with the help of a drone!

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