West Kintyre Community Council

The primary statutory purpose of the WKCC is to represent the views of the community to the local authority and other public bodies.

Community Councils are the first or the “grass roots” tier of Statutory representation in Scotland.

The WKCC bridges the gap between the local authority and the community, making sure that the opinions and needs of the local community are evident to the public authorities.


WKCC Office Bearers:

Convener: Margaret Pratt

Vice Convener: Zofija Sloan

Secretary: Alan Coote

Treasurer: Joseph Logansbill

Members: Christine O'Hanlon, Morag Branson & Fiona Coffield


WKCC scrutinise development applications for a range of Industries in conjunction with Argyll & Bute Councillors and the Authorities Administrative Team.

The Community Councillors are not remunerated for the work that that they do, and are also involved in supporting local Civic & Community Regeneration activity.

Download the West Kinytre Community Fund OSCAR Annual Returns for 2022 - 2023 below

For general information:
The West Kintyre Community Council
Ms. Margaret Pratt
WKCC Convener
By Tarbert
PA29 6XS
For official information or correspondence :
The West Kintyre Community Council
Mr. Alan Coote
WKCC Secretary

All minutes dating from 09/09/2013 until the present day can be read or downloaded from the documents section of this website.

Community Action Plans

In 2011, with the help of SKDT the first survey of households within the West Kintyre Community Council area resulted in the development of the Community Action Plan 2012 -2017.

This plan summarised and prioritised the issues that mattered most to our community and was our guide for what we have tried to make happen within the community over the recent past.

Some excellent ideas were put forward and  incorporated into the plan for 2017-2023.


National speed limits consultation alert
There is a consultation that is ongoing regarding changes to the national speed limits. 
Please click the button below giving details of this consultation in a PDF letter with links to the consultation which is open till March 2025


Argyll & Bute Council Visitor Levy Proposals


To:  Community Council Secretaries and/or Conveners

Dear Community Councillors,

I have been asked to distribute to all community councils the following message from the Council Leader - Cllr. Jim Lynch  regarding a visitor levy:

Please find out more and get involved

People in council areas across Scotland are considering a visitor levy for their area and we would like you to have the same chance to consider one for Argyll and Bute.

Why? Because at a time when funding for public services is shrinking, a visitor levy is an option for raising investment to sustain local services used by visitors, as well as residents, and to keep the area as a top visitor attraction.

Support for individual tourism businesses, or for extending the tourism season are examples of how levy income could be used. Services used by the visitor economy, and so could benefit from levy funding, include for example, waste, roads, transport and leisure services.

We are running a 12-week consultation and invite you to take the time to find out more about what a levy could mean for Argyll and Bute, and then give your view.

What services would people want income from a levy to be spent on, if one was introduced? What support would tourism businesses like with managing a levy? For anyone against a visitor levy, how else would they see the visitor economy being funded in future?

These are some of the questions we are inviting views on.

You can find more information on our website, and over the next 12 weeks we will be providing updates:

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